

PELUM ORGANIZED TRAINING FOR CONDO RESIDENTS ON SUSTAINABLE HOME GARDENING. Pelum Ethiopia organized a training on soil fertility enhancement technologies, integrated pest management (IPM), and home gardening management for condominium residents located in Yeka Abado, Addis Ababa on January 28, 2024

workshop on "Networking Communities for their voices on enhancing Agro-ecology"

PELUM Ethiopia has organized a consultative Workshop on Networking Communities for their voices on enhancing Agro-ecology with a special focus on Soil Health and Fertility management in Ethiopia.

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Regional Sensitization Workshop on Building Resilient Agriculture in Tigray


Regional sensitization workshop on building resilient agriculture in Tigray 

PELUM Ethiopia in collaboration with ISFM/GIZ, MOA and Tigray Region Bureau of Agriculture organized a sensitization meeting for experts at the BOA on 05 August 2023 at Wukro, Eastern zone, Tigray. There was an interesting and motivating sessions.

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Community Mobilization on Managing Enset

Community Mobilization on managing enset at zonal level held on July 10, 2023 in Wolkite town of Gurage Zone. Welcome and introduction was by Ato Abera, Zone Agriculture head. It was followed by a presentation from the zonal Agriculture bureau. 

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consultative meeting on " Mitigating the Negative Impacts of Highly Hazardous Chemicals"


Consultative meeting on " Mitigating the Negative Impacts of Highly Hazardous Chemicals"
PELUM Ethiopia together with PAN Ethiopia has organized a one day consultative meeting entitled "Mitigating the negative impact of highly hazardous pesticides” held on July 06, 2023 at Panorama Hotel. 

Consultative Meeting of Organic Fertilizer Taskforce


consultative meeting of organic fertilizer taskforce
A consultative meeting of Organic Fertilizer Taskforce is going on at the MOA. Different actively working organizations on promoting organic fertilizer are participating. The meeting was opened by Mr Lire CEO of the Soil Resource Directorate.

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